7 Types of Car Insurance A Vehicle Owner Should Consider
Before buying car insurance, you must be aware that there are actually seven types. This post will help you get acquainted with each of these types. Hopefully, getting to know these different policies will help the process of buying insurance for your car less stressful and less confusing.
- Bodily Injury LiabilityThis covers injuries or even death, that is caused by you in a car accident. When buying this type of insurance, it is important that you are aware and that you fully understand the amount of coverage and deductibles.
- Property Damage LiabilityThis type, on the other hand, covers the cost of damage to property that is a result of your actions in the event of a car accident. Examples of properties that may be covered by this policy are other people’s cars, fences, someone’s wall, etc. Take note though, that amount coverage mandated as the state minimum are oftentimes not sufficient.
- Personal Injury ProtectionThis type is also known as PIP for short and it can be used to cover the injuries sustained by your passenger as the result of the accident. This extends to lost income or wages and the cost of helping the injured party while he or she is in the process of recovery.
- Collision CoverageThis type covers are for damages resulting from a collision. For example, you hit another car or a tree upon collision.
- Comprehensive InsuranceThis policy usually covers flooding, fire, and theft or any other type of damage that is not caused by a collision.
- Uninsured MotoristThis type of insurance covers the party that does not have life insurance. This is more helpful for the uninsured person who has suffered injuries or has fallen into a life-threatening condition as the result of a car accident.
- Towing/Rental CarThis is the type of insurance that a lot of people ignore but may be very helpful and can spare you and your family the headache if you have been involved in a car accident or if your car breaks down and it needs to be towed.
These are just the basics that you have to know. If you are looking for the best car insurance deal but you do not want to break the bank, seek help from an insurance advisor that knows how to listen. Call, 651-434-5885 or get a free quote here.
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